Fiber optic connectors in cryogenic conditions – robustness counts

New White Paper: “Fischer FiberOptic at Cryogenic Temperatures”   he use of fiber optic sensors in cryogenic conditions is rare: our new white paper presents the performances of a Fischer FiberOptic Series connector when tested at low temperatures (1.9 Kelvin) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research’s (CERN) SM18 test facility. The test results confirm the ruggedness … Continued

Exoskeleton TWIICE gains international recognition at several innovation events

EPFL’s exoskeleton featuring Fischer Connectors’ solution creates a buzz   Fischer Connectors is very proud to see that the ultralight exoskeleton TWIICE continues to gain well-deserved international recognition at worldwide events promoting innovation.   The wearable, robotic device engineered by the Laboratory of Robotic Systems (LSRO) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) … Continued

New infographics outline rugged connectivity solutions for underwater and computer & tablet applications

Looking for rugged and sealed connectors for your underwater & computing applications? Fischer Connectors answers with new infographics   New infographics outline rugged connectivity solutions for underwater and computer & tablet applications   Fischer Connectors has just released two new infographics showing the benefits of using its miniature, sealed and rugged solutions for marine and … Continued

Fischer Connectors awarded for innovation in miniaturization & data storage by Automation Inside

MiniMax 06 and Rugged Flash Drive 3.0 win Automation Inside Awards 2016   The readers of Automation Inside, a global portal dedicated to the automation industry, selected two of our new products as their 2016 best choice awards: the ultra-miniature high-density Minimax 06 as "Best Electrical Product 2016", and the Fischer Rugged Flash Drive USB 3.0 … Continued

Driving innovation forward with exoskeleton TWIICE at Cybathlon

Fischer Connectors’ ultralight connectors feature in LSRO’s exoskeleton to race at first Cybathlon.   In partnership with the “Laboratoire de Systèmes Robotiques” (LSRO) of the EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne), Fischer Connectors has provided its connectivity solutions to a new ultralight exoskeleton designed as a wearable, robotic support to help people with spinal … Continued

MiniMax 06 now commercially available

New ultra-miniature high-density connector now commercially available   Last May, Fischer Connectors expanded its high-density product range, the Fischer MiniMax™ Series, with an even smaller ultra-miniature connector: MiniMax 06. This connector is now commercially available.   As a reminder, the Fischer MiniMax™ Series marks an important technological breakthrough in the connectivity market: thanks to this … Continued

Fischer Rugged Flash Drive now five times faster with USB 3.0

The Fischer Rugged Flash Drive is now available with USB 3.0 for the safe transportation and storage of your sensitive data in harsh environments.   Fischer Connectors launched on 13 June at the Eurosatory tradeshow in Paris the USB 3.0 version of its ultra-portable, miniature, lightweight and extremely tough Fischer Rugged Flash Drive, specially designed … Continued