Exploitation is a kind of innovation that usually emerges from an organization’s existing assets of the organization. It is focused mainly on enhancement and efficiency.
Exploration is another type of innovation. It requires that an organization leave its comfort zone and venture into unfamiliar territories.
Today organizations must be able to handle both exploitation and exploration in parallel. They have to become “ambidextrous organizations”, as recently highlighted by Charles O’Reilly and Michael Tushman in their book entitled Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator’s Dilemma.
Exploration requires a bold vision coupled with a special mindset and specific skills.
Among these skills, we can mention the ability to assess and take risks, as well as a strong tolerance for failure. The combination of both lead to the no. 1 quality of explorers: perseverance.
As mentioned by the famous entrepreneur Seth Godin, anyone who says failure is not an option has already ruled out innovation.
The SolarStratos team is made up of true explorers. And their story is a true story about perseverance.