Mobile application for Fischer KEYSTONE™

The FISCHER KEYSTONE™ 6 is equipped with a power management application for optimum performance, enhancing situational awareness and soldiers’ efficiency during their mission in the field.


The software for Fischer KEYSTONE™ either comes as a standalone app OR as a plug-in seamlessly integrated within ATAK (Android Team Awareness Kit).

Fischer KEYSTONE™ Standalone Power Management App

The KEYSTONE 6 tactical HUB can be driven using an application through an Android End-User Device (EUD). The KEYSTONE Power Management App provides quick and easy battery monitoring, system status, and individual port power control.

Batteries Management


Management of a wide range of batteries incl. smart battery with SMBus protocol.


Dual battery hot-swap functionality.

Alerts system


Alerts sent to the EUD if critical battery thresholds are trigged, reached, overpassed.


Control power supplies


Precise control of peripheral power supplies, enabling both VBATT and 5V DC to be enabled and disabled.

Enhance situational awareness


Intuitive power bar display.


Real-time self-diagnosis to ensure proper mission completion.


Find your version of the ATAK plug-in

All the essential features of the KEYSTONE Power Management application have been transferred to ATAK through a plug-in and provides the same quality of use: Individual port control, power monitoring, battery management with hot swap capability.

ATAK 4.8.1
Plug-in Documentation
ATAK 4.7.0
Plug-in Documentation

Contact us for additional information and support.