Safety at work during pandemic times

May 26, 2020 · 2 Lesezeit

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Fischer Connectors has taken anti-propagation measures to protect the health and guarantee the safety of our staff in their workplace, in line with the guidelines of our national health authorities and of the World Health Organization.


In our Group, this has changed the way we’ve all been behaving and collaborating with one another, be it from home or on site. New rules now apply in terms of hygiene, behavior and social distancing. A new kind of safety at work has been established over the course of the past few weeks, paving the way for the “new normality” that we’ll all have to get used to in our private and professional lives. And this will remain so for some time until we find a safe way out of the health crisis.

The photos below were taken at our global headquarters in Saint-Prex, Switzerland (French-speaking part), where our central manufacturing operations are located. With this glimpse behind the scenes at one of our production sites, we warmly thank our staff worldwide for their flexibility and the sense of responsibility that they’ve been demonstrating since the very beginning of the pandemic, continuing to serve our customers persistently in such challenging conditions.

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