Demonstrating commitment and credentials to defense, aerospace and security sectors through the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register

May 13, 2024 · 5 Lesezeit

At a time of global geopolitical upheaval and subsequent rearmament, the defense and security market is highly competitive and its supply chain is under pressure. When suppliers in this industry access the procurement and prime contractor network of a given region or country, it is important to be able to demonstrate the quality of one’s products and their compliance with the most stringent standards. As a member of the UK’s Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR) for over four years, Fischer Connectors has been able to consolidate its position as a trusted partner in the UK aerospace, defense, and security supply chain, thanks to easy access to prime contractors and efficient procurement processes. This accreditation, which is renewed every year, is also proving its worth on the international stage.

Trust, reliability and adherence to strict standards are paramount in the aerospace, defense and security sectors. This is particularly true when the procurement process is complex, demand is high, and lead times are long, making the supply chain even more challenging.


In the UK, Fischer Connectors has been supplying high-performance MIL-SPEC connectors, cable assemblies and electronic solutions for several decades. Since September 2019, our company has been an accredited supplier to the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR) to strengthen its partnerships in the UK aerospace, defense and security industry and supply chain.

“The JOSCAR accreditation facilitates Fischer Connectors’ access to the supply chain used by UK prime contractors, allowing us to strengthen and expand partnerships with key UK buyers, fostering trust and collaboration,” explains Joao Rocha, Managing Director of Fischer Connectors UK. “It serves as a testament to Fischer Connectors’ commitment to quality and reliability, reinforcing its reputation as a preferred supplier to mission-critical sectors.”


Navigating the procurement process can be complex and time consuming, especially for businesses operating in highly regulated industries such as defense and security. With JOSCAR accreditation, Fischer Connectors streamlines this process for both itself and its customers. The centralized JOSCAR database provides easy access to Fischer Connectors’ compliance documentation, certifications, and audit reports, facilitating efficient supplier evaluation and selection. This streamlining of procurement processes saves time and resources for all parties involved, resulting in smoother transactions and improved business outcomes.


Joao Rocha, Managing Director of Fischer Connectors UK: “The JOSCAR certification is a crucial factor in securing contracts, expanding market reach, and increasing our competitiveness on a national and international scale.”

At the same time, through JOSCAR, Fischer Connectors demonstrates its commitment and credentials to this demanding industry internationally. With UK prime contractors operating in other regions of the world, the JOSCAR accreditation serves as a further qualification for the supply chain of military technology and equipment manufacturing supply chain worldwide.


“Over the years of our membership, we’ve experienced the importance of having the JOSCAR accreditation open doors to new opportunities for Fischer Connectors,” Joao Rocha continues. “With JOSCAR, our company gains access to a broader network of potential customers and partners, both domestically and internationally. Many major buyers and primes require suppliers to be JOSCAR-certified as a prerequisite for doing business with them. This makes certification a crucial factor in securing contracts, expanding market reach, and increasing our competitiveness on a national and international scale.”


The JOSCAR registration mark is yet another official seal of approval for the world-renowned quality and ruggedness of Fischer Connectors products for critical industries.


As a reminder, our company’s high-performance, Swiss-quality connectivity solutions meet the rigorous demands of military operations, withstanding water ingress up to IP68 / IP69, extreme temperatures, shock and vibration. They comply with the highest standards in the connector industry, such as IEC, EIA, MIL-STD-202 and MIL-STD-810, and some of Fischer Connectors products are specifically designed to be compatible with Nett Warrior and NATO STANAG 4695 and 4851 components.

A wide range of benefits

In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses across various industries are constantly seeking ways to distinguish themselves, streamline processes, and build trust with their customers and partners.


JOSCAR (Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register) is an accreditation system for suppliers that operate in the UK defense, aerospace and security sectors. JOSCAR enables registered prime contractors such as BAE Systems, Leonardo, NATS, QinetiQ and others to confidently trade with pre-qualified organizations and provides access to a centralized supplier database.


The JOSCAR Registration Mark is valued by some of the largest purchasers in the aerospace, defense, and security community and indicates that the accredited organization has gone through the process required to demonstrate its commitment and credentials to the industry.


JOSCAR certification therefore serves as a powerful tool for driving business success in these industries. It offers its members many benefits, from strengthening supply chain relationships to enhancing market access and streamlining procurement processes.


Strengthened supply chain relationships

JOSCAR serves as a centralized database where suppliers can demonstrate their compliance with industry standards and regulations. By achieving JOSCAR certification, businesses signal their commitment to meeting the rigorous requirements of key buyers and primes in the aerospace, defense, and security sectors. This fosters trust and confidence among partners, leading to more collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships.


Enhanced market access

For organizations operating within the aerospace, defense, and security industries, gaining access to new markets can be a significant challenge. The JOSCAR certification can open doors to new opportunities by increasing visibility and credibility within the marketplace. Many major buyers and primes require suppliers to be JOSCAR-certified as a prerequisite for doing business with them. By obtaining certification, companies can expand their reach and compete for lucrative contracts on a national and international scale.


Streamlined procurement processes

JOSCAR certification streamlines the procurement process by providing a standardized platform for suppliers to showcase their qualifications and credentials. Buyers can easily access supplier information, including compliance documentation, certifications, and audit reports, through the JOSCAR database. This simplifies supplier selection and evaluation, saving both time and resources for all parties involved.


Demonstrated commitment to quality and compliance

Achieving JOSCAR certification demonstrates a company’s unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and compliance. The rigorous certification process requires suppliers to adhere to stringent industry standards and regulations, ensuring that products and services meet the highest levels of quality and reliability. By obtaining JOSCAR certification, organizations not only mitigate risks associated with non-compliance but also enhance their reputation as trusted and reliable partners within the supply chain.


Competitive advantage

In today’s competitive business landscape, differentiation is key to success. JOSCAR certification provides a unique competitive advantage by setting certified suppliers apart from their counterparts. With JOSCAR certification, businesses can distinguish themselves as preferred partners for major buyers and primes, giving them a competitive edge when bidding for contracts and opportunities. This can lead to increased market share, revenue growth, and long-term sustainability in an ever-evolving industry.

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