Fast prototyping with 3D printing: your key step in the de-risking process

juin 24, 2020 · 1 durée de lecture (min)

Innovation is also about de-risking.


In the early stage, both feasibility and desirability are in question. And, when it’s about a physical product like a connector or a connectivity solution, a key step in the de-risking process is fast prototyping.


Additive manufacturing (very often called “3D printing”) is a critical capability in this process, as it enables us to transfer our ideas from an abstract world to the physical world in just a few hours, exploiting the full capability of our Prototyping Cell. It helps us to assess both feasibility and desirability in a very short amount of time.

Being able to complete successive iterations of design in a highly dynamic context allows us to keep up the momentum and converge rapidly towards the right solution for our customers.


In the same vein, additive manufacturing is a powerful lever when the challenge is to be the first to deliver a Proof of Concept (PoC) for the production of a viable connector solution.


As an example, at Fischer Connectors we use 3D printers to produce the molds for overmolding cable assembly prototypes. Such a printed mold can be obtained in 24 to 48 hours for a fraction of the cost of the traditional mold.


Read on the Markforged website a case study on Fischer Connectors published in Markforged’s “2020 Additive Trends Report”.

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